flower bright deep shade of pink codycross. A great solution for ground cover in a shaded area… until it takes over in 5 years. flower bright deep shade of pink codycross

 A great solution for ground cover in a shaded area… until it takes over in 5 yearsflower bright deep shade of pink codycross  Though the Bellflower is not strictly speaking a shrub, this plant is similar to many blue flowering bushes in terms of appearance

Goldfinches eat the seed in winter. Botanical Name: Adenium obesum. This question is part of the popular game CodyCross! This game has been developed by Fanatee Games, a very famous video. The verb "to pink" dates from the 14th century and. It. This groundcover rose is smothered in clusters of small, double pink roses, ideal for adding bursts of color to small garden spaces and walkways. 1. The pink variety comes in both single and double blossoms. Fuchsia shrubs grow 1 to 2 ft. Flower colors: white, blue, pink, cream, yellow, purple, orange and red. 1m – 1. Wisteria HEX #C9A0DC RGB 201, 160, 220 CMYK 9, 27, 0, 14. It pairs well with cool blues as a cool color. This type of coneflower is best known for its beauty as a cut flower. fuchsia. Planet Earth;. Size: 10 to 20 ft. Read;. Coral Bells. Azaleas are slow-growing and it may take up to a decade for a shrub to reach its mature size. Plant Type: Annual or Perennial. Their flowers—single, semidouble, anemone-centered or Japanese and fully double—come in shades of pink and red as well as white and yellow. This crossword clue belongs to CodyCross Botanical Garden Group 1439 Puzzle 1. Rex Begonia ‘Red Tango’. a protective ornamental covering for a lamp, used to screen a light bulb from direct view. CMYK 0, 47, 51, 3. Researchers have found evidence for biofluorescence in more than 200 species of fish, like red-glowing gobies. It’s got multiple benefits in that it’s a hardy, low-maintenance plant, it’s deer resistant, and it’s great at providing shade as it can reach heights of six to 12 feet tall. Etymology and definitions. Quick Answer. Since you are already here then chances are that you are stuck on a specific level and are looking for our help. This is a muted color with gray to it so it’s not too bright. Plant each bulbil, roots downward, roughly 1/2 to 1 inch deep. The flowers of ‘Cherokee Sunset’ flowering dogwood are actually small and green, but they are framed by 4 large, pointed, slightly twisting bracts, with a bright magenta pink color that fades to white towards the center. Plant Size: 5 to 7 inches tall. Watermelon pink is a bright, saturated shade of pink, which is. These early-emerging flowers provide excellent resources for pollinators and other wildlife. Arkansas blue star ( Amsonia hubrichtii) was named the 2011 Perennial Plant of the Year. The best thing of this game is that you can. CodyCross is an addictive game developed by Fanatee. Answers of Bright Red Shade might change from time to time on each game update. wide and blooms from early to midsummer and are great garden plants and flowers. It’s pretty and soothing! Pastel Pink. skymoon13. Resource providing a list of 50 tints and shades of pink, including color names, Hex and RGB codes for graphic design and other projects. Scientific. The grower notes that the plant might need protection from cold winter temperatures. These fish prefer to swim in deep waters, which makes them tough to spot. Flowers can grow large at 4 to 6 inches in diameter. “The leaves can be bronze, blue-green, wine-red, pale green, or dark green, while the bright torches of small flowers grow in white, pink, blue, red, and more,” says McKenzie. Alternatively plant pinks in pots of peat-free, multi-purpose compost. Name: New England asters (Symphyotrichum novae-angliae) USDA Hardiness Zones: 4-8; Light: Full sun; Soil: Rich, moist, well-drained; Flower. Spiderwort or Tradescantia, also called widow's tears, is a part shade—not deep shade—plant. Here are all the A bright, extreme shade of red; a fever answers. Here are all the Bright purplish red shade answers. In the game, players are given a series of crossword-style clues, and they must use their knowledge and logic to solve the puzzles and complete the grid. Here are all the Bright fuchsia shade; showy lipstick hue answers. CodyCross is an addictive game developed by Fanatee. A bulbous iridaceous plant (Crocus sativus) having blue flowers with large yellow stigmas. Clue is: Neon, Bright, Radiant Shade Of Pink, Green, Yellow and the full answer is: Luminous while on your crossword you should type: LUMINOUS. Begonia ‘Apricot Shades’—This showy begonia has some of the largest blooms of any begonia. The beauty of this dusty pink shade is associated with the color of the wild orchid, hence the name. This is the newly released pack of CodyCross game. Neon fuchsia is a vibrant and bold color that will surely draw the eye. Solution This question is part of CodyCross Architectural Styles > Group 1172 > Puzzle 2. It produces slightly hair, scalloped leaves in a muted green color, and racemes with slightly spread-out, deep-red-colored blossoms. Previous. This question is part of the popular game CodyCross! This game has been developed by Fanatee Games, a very famous video game company. Provide it with sharp drainage and average to lean soil, and it should thrive. C. We are busy competing with our friends and we often times forget about the new answers. Plant Type: Perennial; Geographic Origin: Europe; Plant. 0 in. If you will find a wrong answer please leave me a comment below and I will fix everything. Pair it with light blue perennials for gorgeous contrast. Here are all the Pink alloy of copper and precious metal answers. Water Needs: Consistent watering is preferred; slightly drought tolerant. Here are all the Daffodil-like flower with bright yellow petals answers. On this page we have the solution or answer for: Bright Pink Color, Named After A Flower. Light amber. Orchid colors typically range from purplish pink to grayish purple. #ffc0cb color hex could be obtained by. A common sight in gardens, hibiscus flowers are used for tea and food in the native Asian states of the species. Spring beauties can be added to a shade garden, rock garden, or naturalized area. Japanese spicy "horseradish" Large, bright-colored billed bird. Mulberry is a rich and deep pink shade characterized by its blend of red and purple undertones. Flowers form tight balls or clusters, arranged in a terminal umbel, white in late spring, gradually turning pink in summer, and rust-colored in fall. This midsize hybrid tea has glossy green leaves on a nicely formed, bushy shrub. Since you are. Swamp Rose Mallow. The newest feature from Codycross is that you can actually synchronize your gameplay and play it from another device. This question is part of the popular game CodyCross! This game has been developed by Fanatee Games, a very famous video game company. ‘Cherry Choco Latte’ is a brand new, long blooming rose mallow with very large, 8-9” wide, three-dimensional flowers. It represents the pinker shade of the Ruby gemstone. Purpurea. SHOP OAKLEAF HYDRANGEASRosa ‘Ballerina’ is a woodland variety of hardy roses that grow well in the shade and thrive in dappled sunlight. It can be difficult to age deep water fish, but studies have shown that the rougheye rockfish has a potential life expectancy of 205 years. ANEMONE. False goat’s beard (Astilbe) With its feathery-shaped pink flowers, false goat’s beard is a low-maintenance plant that thrives in partial to full shade and moist soil. Aaditya Bhatta, Editor and Founder of Plantscraze, says, "Divide the clumps of Astilbe every two to three years to help with rejuvenation. Flower Color: Pink, red, purple, white. Growing from five to seven feet this would be really pretty in a border planting, or planted in a perennial garden. Its bright pink tone is perfect for making an attention-grabbing statement without having to overdo it. Scientific Name: Pulmonaria saccharata. Growing Conditions: Full sun and well-drained soil. The 6-8 inch flower is easily visible as it contrasts against the green foliage of the shrub. This question is part of the popular game CodyCross! This game has been developed by Fanatee Games, a very famous video game company. We publish all the tricks and solutions to pass each track of the crossword puzzle. Please find below the answer for Bright pink bird associated with Florida. Daffodil-like flower with bright yellow petals. ArtyClick Colors - Color Shades and Names - Magenta and Pink Colors. RGB 248, 131, 121. Updated and verified solutions for all the levels of CodyCross Mexico Group 1363On this page we have the solution or answer for: Bright Pink Color, Named After A Flower. 10 Best Shade Plants for the Garden. Here are all the They get their pink color from food like shrimp answers. RGB percentage 100%, 25%, 39%. Here are all the Chewable shade of pink answers. Lamium. HEX #fe4164. Although named as a red, it is comparable to bright pink, dark pink or neon pink. Wine & Roses Weigela. Hydrangea is a genus of flowering shrubs known for their rounded masses of small petaled flowers. Unlike other kinds of hydrangeas, its foliage boasts bright autumn color. It is known for its incredible pink and white flowers and its unique bloom time. One of the most popular color of the internet. Fuchsia. Neon Fuchsia. Hydrangeas. Here are all the Daffodil-like flower with bright yellow petals answers. CMYK 0,57,22,0. Bethlehem Lungwort Bethlehem Lungwort can thrive in both full and partial shade conditions. It blooms well even with little direct sunlight. Skin color is a very pale pink color that has sensual and sexual connotations. A great solution for ground cover in a shaded area… until it takes over in 5 years. Deep Pink HEX #FF1493 RGB 255, 20, 147 CMYK 0, 92, 42, 0. Pieris japonica produces drooping clusters of red-budded, deep pink blooms in spring. This question is part of the popular game CodyCross! This game has been developed by Fanatee Games, a very famous video game company. We publish all the tricks and solutions to pass each track of the crossword puzzle. Amaranth Pink. (3 –. Here are all the Bright fuchsia shade; showy lipstick hue answers. Color Varieties: White, cream, purple, red, yellow, lavender, and pink. The 'Anthony Meilland' rose is a deep, rich shade of yellow that does not fade and will glow in the shade. Name: Geranium ' Ann Folkard'. ”. HINTS AND TIPS:Here are all the The sky's bright and vibrant shade of blue answers. Orange and pink: Embrace your playful side by pairing orange with bright pink, or opt for a vintage look by using a soft shade of dusty rose. The Blue Enchantress® hydrangea adds beauty as a specimen or accent plant in shady perennial gardens. Grow at the. There will also. Dig a hole slightly wider and deeper than the root ball. Bring them indoors for winter as a houseplant in cold climates. Blackbeard Penstemon. It features a beautiful flower and can grow anywhere from a foot-and-a-half to two feet tall. Since you are already here then chances are that you are stuck on a specific level and are looking for our help. Coral is a warm shade of pink with orange and red undertones, similar to coral reefs. 3. It simply brightens up interiors. Varieties range from native Rudbeckia hirta, with its yellow-orange petals and dark brown centers, to hybrids in shades of deep orange and red. This question is part of the popular game CodyCross! This game has been developed by Fanatee Games, a very famous video. YELLOW (noun) yellow color or pigment; the chromatic color resembling the hue of sunflowers or ripe lemons. The white hydrangeas sprout in neutral soils, and all of them look fantastic in the garden. Camellias are slow growers that prefer slightly sandy, acidic soil. 4. They commonly blossom in shades of yellow, magenta, red, and orange. Discover the answer for Flower Bright, Deep Shade Of Pink and continue to the next levelPack: Steampunk Flower; bright, deep shade of pink Fuchsia If you will find a wrong answer please leave me a comment below and I will fix everything. There are literally hundreds of daylily cultivars that fit within the orange spectrum, ranging from pale salmon to deep red orange. Here are all the Shade of white that's like a steel flower answers. Answer for Bright, Purplish Shade Of Red. The shade is pure pink with a light pink or white throat. All pinks are based on red. Go back to. This. Coat A Wall With A New Shade - CodyCross. We all scream for it. The ruffled pink flowers grow in large clusters and appear in late spring or early summer. Lenten rose performs well when planted at the base of a deciduous tree. Guests Quiet Things Recording An Album Sales Season The 1950S Winter Wonderland Women Inventors Botanical Garden Buying Books Deep Sea Journey Digital Revolution Dressmaking Radio Station Same Letter At Both Ends Sticky Things Auction House. 3% green and 79. Rex Begonia ‘Zurich’. Sergey-AND-Marina/iStock. Plant them in a light to a moderately shady spot to keep that from happening. CMYK 0, 74, 61, 0. A great companion for coralbells and lungwort, 'Ann Folkard' geranium weaves its chartreuse foliage through other flowers. Here are some varieties of crabapples with pink flowers: Crabapple Malus ‘Robinson’ – ‘Robinson’ crabapples are prized decorative flowering landscape trees due to their showy pink flowers. This page contains answers to puzzle Bright pink color, named after a flower. Clover. About: Another award-winning Japanese anemone, the Anemone ‘Silver Charm’ grows to be about 3 to 4 feet tall and 2 to 3 feet across, producing large masses of charming flowers with slightly variegated petals that feature a blend of blushing pink and silvery white around bright-yellow centers. Jane Magnolia. The flowers of the spiderwort have three petals and bloom in shades of pink, white, blue or rose. Guests Quiet Things Recording An Album Sales Season The 1950S Winter Wonderland Women Inventors Botanical Garden Buying Books Deep. "This tinted moisturizer is lightweight, oil-free, and has SPF 20," says professional makeup. Garden Flower And Vivid Shade Of Pinkish-Purple. The rusty flowers commonly stay on until the next spring. This crossword clue belongs to CodyCross Art Museum Group 730 Puzzle 2. This is the newly released pack of CodyCross game. Here are all the Pink shade used by Mattel for their popular doll answers. Name: Sedum sieboldii. Answer for A Girl's Name And Also A Bright Shade Of Red. Yellow is the color of light with wavelengths predominantly. This question is part of the popular game CodyCross! This game has been developed by Fanatee Games, a very famous video game company. Notes: Good for all sites listed. Orange and navy: A calming deep navy blue can anchor a room and make orange accents pop. A cruciferous plant (Nasturtium sylvestre) with small yellow flowers. "Girls' toys" are usually pink and purple, while "boys' toys" are often red, yellow, green, or blue. Where well-suited to the climate, these long-lived perennials can thrive on zero care. This question is part of the popular game CodyCross! This game has been developed by Fanatee Games, a very famous video game company. Element with the chemical symbol I. If you love these colors, check out Creative Tim's website themes that make great use of shades of pink: Soft UI Dashboard PRO. WATER ROCKET. 3. Spiderwort. They can grow both indoors and outdoors and are hardy in zones 8 to 10. It was introduced by the Somerset Rose Nursery and is also classified as a large-flowered climber (LCl). This crossword clue belongs to CodyCross Renaissance Group 1391 Puzzle 4. It grows 28-34 in. 'Royal White' clearly stand apart from other flowering tree varieties with its pure-white flowers. Wild Orchid is a particularly beautiful pink with blue undertones. We are sharing the answers for the English language in our site. Here are all the Deep purple-reddish color answers. Garden Flower And Vivid Shade Of Pinkish-Purple Answers. Stems of most Buckwheat spp. The flowers on this rhododendron are a pretty pinkish purple with a coral throat. Clary Sage ( Salvia viridis/Salvia horminum) Salvias add reliable late season color, and annual or blue clary sage is grown for its gorgeous bracts of pink, royal blue, or white – the flowers are small and insignificant. Here are all the Deep shade of maroon and a French red wine answers. Attracting butterflies and moths, the Lanceleaf Coreopsis will look great in. Name: Coral Bells ( Heuchera spp. This question is part of the popular game CodyCross! This game has been developed by Fanatee Games, a very famous video game company. Pink-flowered dahlias. Though the Bellflower is not strictly speaking a shrub, this plant is similar to many blue flowering bushes in terms of appearance. However, two popular varieties of cockscomb with green-colored blossoms are Celosia cristata ‘Spring Green’ and Celosia plumosa ‘Sunday Green’. They also smell quite sweet and are a great attractor of pollinators. And when you plant both annuals flowers, which provide color all season long, and perennials plants, which return for many years, you’ll have a garden that’s full of blooms from spring to fall. New leaves are bright red, heavily ruffled, and form a low, mounding habit. These perennials grow to three feet tall. Plant Zone: 5-8. Used Dried In Arrangements Evergreen With White-Pink Flowers; Shade Of Green Wall. Adam Albright. Black-eyed Susan ( Rudbeckia) is a native wildflower that does best in full sun and organically-rich soil but tolerates average soil and even drought. ‘Henriette’ blooms from July with delicate salmon-pink flowers. Attractive Flowers Colorful Dimensions: Height: 2 ft. CodyCross Shade Of White Thats Like A Steel Flower Exact Answer for Renaissance Group 1391 Puzzle 4. Crabapple Malus ‘Robinson’ – ‘Robinson’ crabapple trees are highly valued for their beautiful pink flowers, making them excellent choices for enhancing the aesthetics of landscapes. Full shade is considered 3 or fewer hours of direct sunlight per day. Anthurium cultivars are magnificent houseplants that have spathes. Shrub. Codycross; Word Connect; Figgerits; Daily Themed Crossword; Updated Answers. 1 language. Since you are already here then chances are that you are stuck on a specific level and are looking for our help. In late winter or early spring, white flowers with pink stripes form in loose clusters. Plants from the genus Anthurium have unusual flowers that consist of a shiny, bright red waxy leaf (bract or spathe) and a yellow or cream-colored flower (spadix). Most varieties bloom from late spring to summer and grow between 1 and 5 feet tall. Begonias range from tender tuberous varieties (growing in zones 9 to 11) to hardy begonia ( Begonia. The petals and sepals are uniform and pointed, and the lip stands straight out from the center. WATER ROCKET. Aloe plants prefer full sun to part sun position to grow, but they can tolerate bright shade. The answer we have below for Vivid pink tubular flowers has a total of 8 letters. height 3’. 14. (0. Look no further because we just finished. 75 Popular Types of Red Flowers. Here are all the Bright pink fish, often served in sushi rolls answers. CodyCross is an addictive game developed by Fanatee. - 3 ft. (1. Wild Orchid Orhid Hex #D470A2 RGB 212, 112, 162. Pink is a light red hue and is typically associated with love and romance. This crossword clue belongs to CodyCross Canada Group 1279 Puzzle 5. The elegant showy flowers can measure up to 5” (13 cm) and create an eye-catching display. Orchid Hex #DA70D6 RGB 218, 112, 214 CMYK 0, 49, 2, 15. Wild Orchid Orhid Hex #D470A2 RGB 212, 112, 162 CMYK 0, 47. Hydrangea macrophylla have larger petals, and you can change the color of the flowers by manipulating the pH levels of the soil. Blackbeard Penstemon. Old MauveCodyCross is a popular crossword-style puzzle game that was released in 2016. In an RGB colour space, hex #ffc0cb (also known as Pink) is composed of 100% red, 75. Also known as bugbane, black cohosh is a perfect perennial flower for shade. Solution This question is part of CodyCross Small World > Group 693 > Puzzle 1. This question is part of the popular game CodyCross! This game has been developed by Fanatee Games, a very famous video game company. ArtyClick Crimson, Shocking Pink, Wild Strawberry, ArtyClick Magenta, Bright Neon Pink, Neon Fuchsia, Hot Purple, Phlox, ArtyClick Warm Magenta, Neon Pink, Barbie Pink, Razzle Dazzle Rose, Vivid Cerise, Deep Cerise,. New Dawn rose. ‘Hansa’ is a small but vigorous heirloom variety from 1865; it will adapt to large containers, and it is ideal for natural looking gardens in partial shade. In the game, players are given a series of crossword-style clues, and they must use their knowledge and logic to solve the puzzles and complete the grid. CodyCross is one of the most popular games which is available for both iOS and Android. Light Deep Pink Hex #FF5CCD RGB 255, 92, 205 CMYK 0, 64, 20, 0. Begonia ‘Super Cascade’—This angel wing begonia has a spectacular array of colorful pink and red dangling flower clusters. Also known as woodland phlox, this native groundcover bears open clusters of powder-blue or lavender-blue and can grow from 8 to 18 inches tall. Blush Pink . 'Million Bells® Terra Cotta' has orange flowers streaked with red and gold on stems trailing to 8 inches. These plants thrive in full sun to partial shade and are quite hardy. 6. Pink flowering almond is a great choice as a small bush near a house or patio. This question is part of the popular game CodyCross! This game has been developed by Fanatee Games, a very famous video game company. It is a good transition from woodlands to lawn along a property line. Here are all the Pink alloy of copper and precious metal answers. This question is part of the popular game CodyCross! This game has been developed by Fanatee Games, a very famous video game company. Botanical Name: Echeveria ‘Taurus’. We are busy competing with our friends and we often times forget about the new answers. It is drought resistant and heavy clay tolerant. Their dainty funnel-shaped flowers bloom in wonderful shades of pink, mauve, purple, red, and yellow. plant type Lepidote : bloom colors Pink : height 4-5 feet tall, 3. Sergey-AND-Marina/iStock. Take care not to overwater your plant, as this can kill it. Solomon’s Seal — This woodland plant will flower in deep shade. ‘Ring of Fire’ is a gold medal winner and will be a standout in a mixed border. We can also define a color by hue, saturation and value ( HSV ). Discover the answer for Coat A Wall With A New Shade and continue to the next level. Here are some popular pink shade perennials to add to your low-light garden. Ht. WATER FLAG. October Daphne Stonecrop. "Garnish your next salad with these vibrant, edible flowers that grow in shades of red, cherry, orange, peach, yellow, pale yellow, and burgundy," says Zawada. On this page we have the solution or answer for: Bright Pink Color, Named After A Flower. Enter the length or pattern for better results. Its delicate lavender color has hints of pink which creates a dreamy atmosphere in any space. Hardiness zone: 10 to 11 Growing conditions: Partial shade to full. Foxglove — These tall spires of bell-shaped flowers are a shade garden must. Please find below the answer for Exotic fruits with white flesh bumpy pink skin. Black satin is a lovely dwarf rhododendron. Pink alloy of copper and precious metal. Growing Conditions: Full sun. The big leaves of bergenia are deep green, and the flowers bloom in pink, red, or white shades. Discover the answer for Bright Metallic Color Of A Precious Metal and continue to the next level Some notable varieties with pink flowers include: Allium schubertii (tumbleweed onion), with huge rose-purple flowers that bloom in late spring. The sweetly fragrant flowers will attract butterflies, moths, and bees in your woodland garden. The answer we have below for Bright pink color named after a flower has a total of 7 letters . This native hydrangea has large, dense flower heads of pink or white that offer three-season interest and texture. We publish all the tricks and solutions to pass each track of the crossword puzzle. The teasel ( Dipsacus fullonum) is a UK native biennial, bearing tall spikes of brush-like flower heads with purple blooms, popular with bees and butterflies. However, honey color can change with time and exposure to heat. Since you are. Warm pinks, which have undertones of yellow (think coral, salmon, or. SUMMERIFIC® ‘Cherry Choco Latte’ Hibiscus. Since you are already here then chances are that you are stuck on a specific level and are looking for our help. Coleus. Based on the answers listed above, we also found some clues that are possibly similar or related. The Iris Virginica is actually known as the “ Southern Blue Flag ” which is quite popular in southern parts of the United States. Rosa 'American Pillar'. Bleeding heart is another flower that blooms well in deep shade. Some of the most outstanding beautiful climbing roses grow between 6 and 14 ft. There are various levels of shade that can impact how well certain plants grow. Please find below the answer for Bright red. Partial shade flowers typically need four to six hours of sun a day, preferably before mid-day, when the temperatures start to climb. Enter a Crossword Clue. This clue or question is found on Puzzle 4 Group 1363 from Mexico CodyCross. Bloom-A-Thon Hot Pink Azalea. Freesia. Wild Orchid. 1. Choose low-growing types for the front of a garden bed. The plants produce blue flowers in slightly acidic soil and pink in limy soils. This color’s name was first used in 1915. Please find below the answer for Shade of white thats like a steel flower. Depending on how hot your zone is, foxgloves will thrive in any type of shade you throw their way. 5 and 7. 6m) in height and spread. “Olga Mezitt” is an incredibly beautiful rhododendron that blooms with bright pink flowers with golden freckles. Name: Geranium ' Ann Folkard'. Please find below the answer for Neon bright radiant shade of pink green yellow. The cake was decorated with pink frosting. One of 4 native roses. Sun Exposure: Full sun to part shade. Light Needs: Part shade to shade. Discover the answer for Evergreen With White-Pink Flowers; Shade Of Green and continue to the next levelCodyCross Bright Red Shade. For something more vibrant, combine dark pinks with dark blues and orange flowers. With a height and spread ranging from 15 to 25 ft. __ Beth Moore; birth name of singer Pink. Old Mauve CodyCross is a popular crossword-style puzzle game that was released in 2016. Bishop’s Goutweed. The tubular pink flowers grow on stems that can reach up to six feet in height, depending on the variety of the plant. Bright, purplish shade of red. The ribbon on the gift was a. Its small flowers don't last long enough to qualify as an outstanding feature. Neon Pink. please wait. The striking purplish pink flowers are produced continuously through summer. Cardinal Hex #C41E3A RGB 196, 30, 58 CMYK 0, 85, 70, 23. Fox Gloves. Updated and verified solutions for all the levels of CodyCross. Solomon’s Seal — This woodland plant will flower in deep shade. Sun Exposure: Full Sun. Cherry laurel can grow as a multi-stemmed shrub or small tree for shade. ‘Hansa’ is a small but vigorous heirloom variety from 1865; it will adapt to large containers, and it is ideal for natural looking gardens in partial shade. Dahlia ‘Gerrie Hoek’. Deep red burgundy shade.